!sht1#shutdownUSAGE :: [!sht] or [!sht N] or [!sht info] or [!sht abort] :: INFO -> Shutdowns the dedicated arma server. use: !sht N, to set a timeout in Seconds before shutdown, !sht abort, to abort current shutdown, !sht info, to see how long left.!mis1#missionsUSAGE :: !mis :: INFO -> Show mission. Carefull with this command. an admin should be logged in with the arma interface. #login or gui if this is to be used!res4#restartUSAGE :: !res :: INFO -> Restart mission with current player slot selection!rea4#reassignUSAGE :: !rea :: INFO -> Restart the mission with new player slot selection!lck3#lockUSAGE :: !lck :: INFO -> Locks the server. No one will be able to join.!ulck3#unlockUSAGE :: !ulck :: INFO -> Unlocks the Server.!cm4#missionUSAGE :: !cm mission filename :: INFO -> Change Mission. you need to know the filename but exclude the pbo extension.!mp3maxping150USAGE :: [!mp] or [!mp N] :: INFO -> Set a maxping limit on the server. N is the value in milliseconds, default = 150!ban0banYou got a ban by : _name_ , come back _time_USAGE :: !ban name :: INFO -> Ban a player.!kick3kickDecision By Admin: _name_USAGE :: !kick name :: INFO -> Kick a player.!bid0bidAdmins Decision!USAGE :: !bid id :: INFO -> Kick a player based on the BEID. use #Beclient players to get the id.!kid1kidAdmins Decision!USAGE :: !kid id :: INFO -> Kick a player based on the BEID. use #Beclient players to find the id.!warn3warnThis is a Warning given by admin: _name_USAGE :: !warn name :: INFO -> Send a warning to a player and increase the warn-counter.!ata2grant4USAGE :: !ata name :: INFO -> Add a temporary admin into group 4.!rta2degrantUSAGE :: !rta name :: INFO -> Remove temporary admin.!mr2makeroomMaking Room For MembersUSAGE :: !mr N :: INFO -> Kick N numbers of player based on join time. last joined players will get kicked.!pinf2pinfoUSAGE :: !pinf name :: INFO -> Show player info. Beid and join time.!ainf100ainfoUSAGE :: !ainf :: INFO -> Show Admins online.!raf0loadadminsUSAGE :: !raf :: INFO -> Reloade the admin file.!rcf0loadcommandsUSAGE :: !rcf :: INFO -> Reloade the command file.!time0systimeUSAGE :: !time :: INFO -> Show server time.!uptime100uptimeUSAGE :: !uptime :: INFO -> Show Server Uptime.!help100helpUSAGE :: [!help] or [!help !command] :: INFO -> Use help to show available commands.!info100sayUse !help to get help, visit our webpage for more info.USAGE :: !info :: INFO -> Send a private message with general info.!notify5sayThe Server will be restart after this missionUSAGE :: !notify :: INFO :: Sends global message to all player!math2externalConfig\Script_Example.batUSAGE :: !math Int+Int :: INFO -> Do simple bat math!.